Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cutting your Huskies Nails

Odin has extra long nails as he doesn't run on concrete much. We try to keep his running on grass and at the dog park to avoid cuts and scrapes on his paws. 

We have found that we need to cut his nails at least twice a month to keep them healthy. 

Here is a diagram of how to cut your pups nails. 

Step 1
Check with your veterinarian to have them show you the proper way to cut your huskies nails. 

Step 2
Now that you have spoken to your vet and they have explained the proper way to cut your pups nails, note where your dogs quick is.

Step 3
Cut your dogs nails in the proper place. 

Step 4
Continue to cut your dogs nails as needed. 

These are the steps we take with Odin and it works for us. Hopefully this helps you keep your pups nails healthy.   Remember to consult your vet before doing any time of cutting. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What foods you CAN and CAN'T give your Husky

Image from Petcarerx

Here are a few things that are safe to give your pup:
Apple Slices
Green Beans
Sweet Potatos
Peanut Butter

Things you should never give your pup: 
Grapes / Rasins

We also give Odin carrots wich has been approved by our vet. He loves to eat human food but we try to limit it to only things that our vet has told us is ok. 

Again check with your vet to see what things you can give your pup before giving him any new food treats. 

Image from Petcarerx

Monday, June 1, 2015

Potty training solutions for Huskies that live in apartments

We live in an apartment complex on the third floor. 

It isn't always practical to take Odin all the way do to the grass to relieve him, so we came up with a solution. 

We recently purchased this potty turf and potty training got a lot easier. 

It fits on our patio and is easy to use. 

Most potty turfs come come in several layers that use potty pads, and turf. Ours has both. There are several on the market and I suggest researching what will work best for your husky. 

A few things that have helped make potty training easier is we take these steps every time:  

1. Take him out first thing in the morning
2. Take him out after each meal
3. Take him out after each nap
4. Take him out after playtime
5. Take him out right before bedtime. 

When we started he was a little reluctant to use the potty turf but after rewarding him when he did, he caught on right away. 

Again research what will work for your pup, and be consistent on training.